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What's New in ASPMaker 10

ASPMaker 10 is a major upgrade from 9.x. It is loaded with a bunch of new features, including many frequently requested ones. ASPMaker 10 is probably the most powerful and flexible product of its kind, and yet still easy-to-use as always.


New Table Setup Page

A new Table Setup page is added next to Field Setup page for quick access to current table settings.


Improved Dynamic Selection Lists

Now supports up to 4 pairs of parent field and filter field.


Improved Add Option Form

Supports JavaScript features such as DHTML editor, JSCalendar, Dynamic Selection Lists, etc.


Improved Preview Row Extension (for registered users only)

Shows detail tables in TabView.


Custom Template

Allows showing fields with your own template.


Default Search Values

Lets you specify default search criteria when there is no user inputted criteria.


Scripts without Header and Footer

Lets you include ASPMaker generated scripts in your own ASP scripts more easily.


IIS Express

Test generated site without the need to to configure web server. (Requires IIS Express installed on the same machine as ASPMaker.)



Improved Advanced Security

  • Allow View All option for User ID Security, allow users to view other users' records

  • Separate permissions for List/View/Search in both Static and Dynamic User Level Security

  • Allow selecting tables to show in User Level Permission Setup page


Improved Auto-Fill

  • Allows auto-filling a child field by different parent fields (previously one parent field only)
  • Allows filling lookup fields
  • Clears target fields if parent field selects a blank option


More Advanced Settings

  • JavaScript message
  • Disables submit buttons on form submission
  • Auto-Suggest searches Display Field #2 to #4 also
  • Allows login by URL
  • Time limit for exporting all records
  • Project name and project ID
  • Include jQuery library (for user's own use)



  • Faster script generation (by JScript engine)
  • Multi-Language Lookup Table Display Fields
  • Different locale settings for Multi-Language
  • Custom View Tag for overriding View Tag setting and display field value with custom code
  • Supports date fields for Quick Search
  • Supports SMTP servers using SSL (if email component supports)
  • Supports formatted decimal values in Add/Edit page
  • Option to hide unused menu items in menu editor
  • Option to open project file without AutoSync
  • More helper functions for server events and client Scripts
  • Allow specifying start page for project
  • Simplified User Code by JavaScript
  • Detects project changes when closing project
  • Extensions (tinyMCE and CKEditor) updated with latest versions
  • Icons for messages
  • Many other minor improvements



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