Please refer to the following table for detailed description of Objects and their properties for use with Template Tags.
You can use the standard dot notation to access properties of the objects.
This line will write the project name in the output file.
The CTRL Object points to the current control in control.xml that is
being generated.
The PROJ Object points to the current project. You can access the current
project properties by PROJ.PropertyName.
Property |
Description |
Data Type |
ProjName |
Project name |
String |
ProjVar |
Project variable |
String |
SqlQuote |
SQL quote identifier (Square Bracket / Double
Quote / Single Quote / Back Quote / None / Default) |
String |
CodePage |
Code page |
Long |
Locale id |
Long |
Cache |
Allow cache |
Boolean |
CharSet |
Character set |
String |
External CSS file |
String |
OutputNameType |
Output file name option:
"" - No prefix or suffix
"Prefix" - Prefix with extension
"Suffix" - Suffix with extension |
String |
OutputNameExt |
Output file name extension name |
String |
OutputNameLCase |
Output file name in lowercase |
Boolean |
BodyTitle |
Body title description |
String |
BodyFont |
Body font |
String |
BodySize |
Body size |
String |
BodyBgColor |
Body background color |
String |
BodyTextColor |
Body text color |
String |
BodyLnkColor |
Body link color |
String |
BodyVLnkColor |
Body vlink color |
String |
BodyALnkColor |
Body alink color |
String |
BodyLeftMargin |
Body left margin |
Integer |
BodyTopMargin |
Body top margin |
Integer |
DocType (v7.0+) |
Document Type |
String |
ApplicationTheme (v7.0+) |
Application Theme |
String |
HeaderColor (v7.0+) |
Page header color |
String |
HeaderLogo (v7.0+) |
Page header logo file name |
String |
HeaderHeight (v7.0+) |
Page header height |
Integer |
MenuColor (v7.0+) |
Page menu color |
String |
FooterColor (v7.0+) |
Page footer color |
String |
FooterFontColor (v7.0+) |
Page footer font color |
String |
FooterText (v7.0+) |
Page footer text |
String |
TblWidth |
Table width |
String |
TblPadding |
Table padding |
Integer |
TblBorder |
Table border |
Integer |
TblSpacing |
Table spacing |
Integer |
TblBgColor |
Table background color |
String |
TblHdrFontColor |
Table header font color |
String |
TblHdrColor |
Table header background color |
String |
TblAltColor |
Table use alternate row color |
Boolean |
TblAltColor1 |
Table alternate color 1 |
String |
TblAltColor2 |
Table alternate color 2 |
String |
Template |
Template file location |
String |
Destination |
Output destination folder location |
String |
SecType |
Security type: "None" - no security
"Hard Code" - use hard coded administrator login / password
"Use Table" - use security table "Both"
- Use both security table & hard coded administrator login / password |
String |
SecLoginID |
Administrator login id |
String |
SecPasswd |
Administrator password |
String |
SecTbl |
Security table name |
String |
SecLoginIDFld |
Security table login id field name |
String |
SecPasswdFld |
Security table password field name |
String |
SecEmailFld |
Security table email field name |
String |
SecForgetPwdPage |
Generate forget password page |
Boolean |
SecChangePwdPage |
Generate change password page |
Boolean |
SecChangeEmail |
Send email for password change |
Boolean |
SecRegisterPage |
Generate registration page |
Boolean |
RegisterReturnPage (v7.0+) |
Registration return page |
String |
RegisterMultiPage (v7.0+) |
Register page use multi page layout |
Boolean |
RegisterMultiPageLabels (v7.0+) |
Register page multi page labels (comma separated) |
String |
SecRegisterConfirm (v7.0+) |
Registration page needs confirm |
Boolean |
SecRegisterCaptcha (v7.0+) |
Registration page uses captcha |
Boolean |
SecRegisterActivate (v7.0+) |
Registration page needs activation |
Boolean |
SecRegisterActivateFld (v7.0+) |
Registration page activation field name |
String |
SecLogInOutAuditTrail (v7.0+) |
Login / logout page needs audit trail |
Boolean |
SecRegisterEmail |
Send email for registration |
Boolean |
SecRegisterAutoLogin (v8.0+) |
Auto login after registration |
Boolean |
SecSenderEmail |
Sender email address |
String |
SmtpServer |
Smtp server name |
String |
SmtpServerPort |
Smtp server port |
Long |
MemoCRLFReplace |
Replace CRLF with BR for Memo Field |
Boolean |
SessTimeOut |
Session timeout time |
Integer |
ServerScriptTimeout |
Server script timeout time for reports |
Integer |
DefaultDateFormat |
Default date format:
0 - General date (system)
1 - Long date (system)
2 - Short date (system)
3 - Long time (system)
4 - Short time (system)
5 - "yyyy/mm/dd"
6 - "mm/dd/yyyy"
7 - "dd/mm/yyyy"
8 - Short date + short time
9 - "yyyy/mm/dd hh:nn:ss"
10 - "mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn:ss"
11 - "dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:ss"
12 - "hh:nn:ss" |
Integer |
DateSeparator |
Date separator: "/", "-",
"." |
String |
XMLEncoding |
XML encoding charset |
String |
HighlightColor |
List page row highlight color |
String |
SelectColor |
List page row select color |
String |
EditBackColor |
List page edit row background color |
String |
PagerBackColor |
Pager background color |
String |
FooterBackColor |
Footer (aggregated values) background color |
String |
UploadPath |
File upload path |
String |
UploadAllowedFileExt |
Allowed upload file extensions |
String |
CssStyles |
User css style content |
String |
AutoSync |
Auto synchronize when open project |
Boolean |
CreateVDir |
Create virtual directory after generation |
Boolean |
AutoBrowse |
Auto browse after generation |
Boolean |
OtherGen |
Generate other scripts |
Boolean |
OtherGenList (v8.0+) |
Generation list for other scripts. Format:
@db=1,@css=0,... (Generate "db" = Yes, Generate "css"
= No, etc...) |
String |
OtherExpanded (v8.0+) |
Expand the other generation list (for display) |
Boolean |
OtherOverwrite (deprecated in v8.0+) |
Overwrite other scripts |
Boolean |
PromptOnOverwrite (deprecated in v8.0+) |
Prompt on overwrite |
Boolean |
DynamicLoadDB |
Load database dynamically |
Boolean |
OptionExplicit |
Use ASP.NET "option explicit" option |
Boolean |
MD5Password (v7.0+) |
Use MD5 password |
Boolean |
CaseSensitivePassword (v7.0+) |
Use Case Sensitive password |
Boolean |
ServerValidate (v7.0+) |
Use server validation |
Boolean |
ClientValidate (v7.0+) |
Use client validation |
Boolean |
RptIndent |
Report header indentation in pixels |
Integer |
RecPerPage |
Records per page |
Integer |
RecPerPageList |
Comma separated values for records per page (list
page only) |
String |
PrinterFriendly (v7.0+) |
Printer Friendly |
Boolean |
ExportHtml |
Export to html |
Boolean |
ExportWord |
Export to word |
Boolean |
ExportExcel |
Export to excel |
Boolean |
ExportXml |
Export to xml |
Boolean |
ExportCsv |
Export to csv |
Boolean |
ExportEmail (v8.0+) |
Export to email |
Boolean |
ExportType (v8.0+) |
Export Type:
"SELECTED" = export selected records
"PAGE" = export current page
"ALL" = export all records |
String |
RecPerRow |
Records per row (multi-column list page) |
Integer |
MultiDelete |
Delete records by multiple selection |
Boolean |
Sort Type |
Sort type
0 - no sort
1 - single column sort
2 - multi-column sort |
Integer |
PagerStyle |
Pager style:
1 - numeric pager
2 - nextprev pager |
Integer |
TopPageLink |
Pager on top |
Boolean |
BottomPageLink (v7.0+) |
Pager on bottom |
Boolean |
ViewExport (v7.0+) |
View page export |
Boolean |
ListExport (v9.0+) |
List page export |
Boolean |
LinkOnLeft |
Links on Left |
Boolean |
InlineDelete |
Inline delete |
Boolean |
DetailViewPaging (v7.0+) |
Paging in view page |
Boolean |
AppRootFolder |
Application root folder |
String |
RepeatColumns |
Repeat column count for radios and checkboxes |
Integer |
RecipientEmail |
Receiver email |
String |
DeleteUploadedFile |
Delete unused uploaded file |
Boolean |
SMTPServerUsername |
Smtp server user name |
String |
SMTPServerPassword |
Smtp server password |
String |
ShowBlankListPage |
Show blank list page |
String |
AuditTrailPath |
Audit trail path |
String |
FavIcon (v8.0+) |
File path for FavIcon |
String |
LoginOption (v8.0+) |
Login options: (comma separated list of following
options, e.g. "AUTO,USER,ASK")
"AUTO" - Auto login until logout explicitly
"USER" - Save user name
"ASK" - Always ask for user name and password
String |
BlankPage (v9.0+) |
Generate blank custom page |
Boolean |
NOTE: You can further define custom Project Level properties and put
it in the "Advanced Settings" file (under "src\settings.xml"
in the program folder). The setting is accessible in the UI via [Tools]
-> [Advanced Settings] under the "Project" node. You can
then access the custom properties in the template by means of PROJ.GetV("<property
name>"). To avoid clashing with ASP.NET Maker default project settings,
always prefix your settings with "USER_".
The Master Details Object contains the collection of all master/detail
relationships defined in the current project. Each master/detail relationship
has the following properties.
The Custom Scripts Object contains the collection of all custom scripts
defined in the current project. Each custom script has the following properties.
The MenuList Object contains the menu items defined in the current project.
It has the following properties.
The DB Object points to the current database. You can access the current
database properties by DB.PropertyName.
The TABLE Object points to the current table. You can access the current
table properties by TABLE.PropertyName.
Property |
Description |
Data Type |
TblSchema (v8.0+) |
Table schema name |
String |
TblName |
Table name |
String |
TblType |
String |
TblKey |
Table key |
String |
TblGen |
Generate this table |
Boolean |
TblGenList (v8.0+) |
Generation list for table scripts. Format:
info=1,list=0,... (Generate "info" = Yes, Generate "list"
= No, etc...) |
String |
TblList |
Show table in menu |
Boolean |
TblView |
Table view enabled |
Boolean |
TblInlineEdit |
Table inline edit enabled |
Boolean |
TblGridEdit (v7.0+) |
Table grid edit enabled |
Boolean |
TblEdit |
Table edit enabled |
Boolean |
TblEditConfirm (v7.0+) |
Edit needs confirmation |
Boolean |
TblEditCaptcha (v8.0+) |
Edit use captcha |
Boolean |
TblGridAdd (v7.0+) |
Table grid add enabled |
Boolean |
TblAdd |
Table add enabled |
Boolean |
TblAddReturnPage (v7.0+) |
Table add return page |
String |
TblAddOpt (v7.0+) |
Table add option enabled |
Boolean |
TblAddConfirm (v7.0+) |
Add needs confirmation |
Boolean |
TblAddCaptcha (v7.0+) |
Add use captcha |
Boolean |
TblInlineAdd (v7.0+) |
Table inline add enabled |
Boolean |
TblInlineCopy (v7.0+) |
Table inline copy enabled |
Boolean |
TblMultiUpdate (v7.0+) |
Table multi-update enabled |
Boolean |
TblMultiUpdateConfirm (v7.0+) |
Multi update needs confirmation |
Boolean |
TblAnonymous (v7.0+) |
Table anonymous access security |
Integer |
TblDelete |
Table delete enabled |
Boolean |
TblCaption |
Table caption |
String |
TblVar |
Table variable name |
String |
TblSrchType |
Table search type: "NONE" - none
"BASIC" - basic search "ADVANCED" - advanced
search "BOTH" - both basic & advanced search |
String |
TblSearchHighlight (v7.0+) |
Search highlight |
Boolean |
TblSearchColor (v7.0+) |
Search highlight color |
String |
TblSearch (v9.0+) |
Table advanced search enabled |
Boolean |
TblBasicSearch (v9.0+) |
Table basic search enabled |
Boolean |
TblExtendedBasicSearch (v9.0+) |
Table extended basic search enabled |
Boolean |
TblExtSearchFldPerRow (v9.0+) |
Table extended basic search fields per row |
Integer |
TblDefault |
Table link from default page |
Boolean |
TblCopy |
Table copy enabled |
Boolean |
TblFilter |
Table filter (sql where clause) |
String |
TblUserIDFld |
Table user id field name |
String |
TblSecurity |
Table security settings |
String |
TblOverwrite (deprecated in v8.0+) |
Overwrite table scripts |
Boolean |
TblExpanded (v8.0+) |
Expand the table generation list (for display) |
Boolean |
TblLoaded |
Table is loaded |
Boolean |
TblRptShowDetails |
Show report details (reports only) |
Boolean |
TblRptShowGrandTotal |
Show report grand total (reports only) |
Boolean |
TblCustomSQL |
Table custom sql (custom views only) |
String |
TblCustomError |
Error loading custom views / reports |
String |
TblRptSrc |
Report source table (reports only) |
Boolean |
TblRptIndent |
Report indentation by pixels (reports only) |
Integer |
TblUseGlobal |
Use global settings |
Boolean |
TblRecPerPage |
Records per page (list page only) |
Integer |
TblRecPerPageList |
Dynamic values for records per page (list page
only) |
String |
TblPrinterFriendly (v7.0+) |
Printer Friendly |
Boolean |
TblExportHtml |
Export to html |
Boolean |
TblExportWord |
Export to word |
Boolean |
TblExportExcel |
Export to excel |
Boolean |
TblExportXml |
Export to xml |
Boolean |
TblExportCsv |
Export to csv |
Boolean |
TblExportEmail (v8.0+) |
Export to email |
Boolean |
TblExportType (v8.0+) |
Export Type: "SELECTED" = export
selected records "PAGE" = export current page "ALL"
= export all records |
String |
TblRecPerRow |
Records per row (multi-column list page) |
Integer |
TblMultiDelete |
Delete records by multiple selection |
Boolean |
TblSort Type |
Sort type
0 - no sort
1 - single column sort
2 - multi-column sort |
Integer |
TblPagerStyle |
Pager style:
1 - numeric pager
2 - nextprev pager |
Integer |
TblTopPageLink |
Pager on top |
Boolean |
TblBottomPageLink (v7.0+) |
Pager on bottom |
Boolean |
TblViewExport (v7.0+) |
View page export |
Boolean |
TblListExport (v9.0+) |
List page export |
Boolean |
TblLinkOnLeft |
Links on Left |
Boolean |
TblInlineDelete |
Inline delete |
Boolean |
TblDetailViewPaging (v6.0+) |
Paging in view page |
Boolean |
TblAuditTrail |
Table use audit trail |
Boolean |
TblSendMailOnAdd |
Send email on add |
Boolean |
TblSendMailOnEdit |
Send email on edit |
Boolean |
TblSendMailOnDelete |
Send email on delete |
Boolean |
TblShowBlankListPage |
Show blank list page |
Boolean |
TblDetailShowCount (v8.0+) |
Show detail record count |
Boolean |
TblEditReturnPage (v7.0+) |
Table edit return page |
String |
TblMultiPageLabels (v7.0+) |
Table multi page labels (comma separated) |
String |
TblMultiPageAdd (v7.0+) |
Table add multi page layout enabled |
Boolean |
TblMultiPageEdit (v7.0+) |
Table edit multi page layout enabled |
Boolean |
TblMultiPageView (v7.0+) |
Table view multi page layout enabled |
Boolean |
TblMultiPageSearch (v9.0+) |
Table search multi page layout enabled |
Boolean |
TblCheckConcurrentUpdate (v8.0+) |
Check for concurrent update |
Boolean |
The FIELD Object points to the current field. You can access the current
field properties by FIELD.PropertyName.
Property |
Description |
Data Type |
FldName |
Field name |
String |
FldAlias |
Field alias name |
String |
FldSourceName |
Field source name |
String |
FldSourceTable |
Field source table name |
String |
FldSourceField |
Field source field name |
String |
FldType |
Field data type |
Integer |
FldSupport |
Field is supported |
Boolean |
FldSize |
Field size |
Long |
FldUniqueIdx |
Field has unique index |
Boolean |
FldZeroLen |
Field support zero-length string
(For Access database only) |
Boolean |
FldReq |
Field is required (NOT NULL) |
Boolean |
FldIsPrimaryKey |
Field is primary key |
Boolean |
FldAutoIncrement |
Field is auto increment field |
Boolean |
FldAttribute |
Field ADO attributes |
Long |
FldMin |
Minimum value for javascript validation |
Variant |
FldMax |
Maximum value for javascripot validation |
Variant |
FldErrMsg |
Error message if javascript validation failed |
String |
FldValidate |
Validate format for javascript |
String |
FldServerValidateArgs (v8.0+) |
Validate arguments (server side) |
String |
FldClientValidateArgs (v8.0+) |
Validate arguments (client side) |
String |
FldRequired |
Required field for javascript validation |
Boolean |
FldPopCalendar |
Use popup calendar |
Boolean |
FldGenerate |
Field generate enabled |
Boolean |
FldList |
Field list enabled |
Boolean |
FldExport (v7.0+) |
Field export enabled |
Boolean |
FldView |
Field view enabled |
Boolean |
FldEdit |
Field edit enabled |
Boolean |
FldAdd |
Field add enabled |
Boolean |
FldAddOpt (v7.0+) |
Field add option enabled |
Boolean |
FldSearch |
Field search enabled |
Boolean |
FldBasicSearch |
Field basic search enabled |
Boolean |
FldExtendedBasicSearch |
Field extended basic search enabled |
Boolean |
FldRegister |
Field enabled for registration page |
Boolean |
FldSrchOpr |
Field search operator |
String |
FldSrchOpr2 |
Field second search operator |
String |
FldDefault |
Field default value |
Variant |
FldDbDefault (v8.0+) |
Field default value (database) |
Variant |
FldCaption |
Field caption |
String |
FldVar |
Field variable |
String |
FldViewTag |
Field view tag |
String |
FldViewThumbnail (7.0+) |
Field view as thumbnail (FILE type field only) |
Boolean |
FldHtmlTag |
Field html tag |
String |
FldHtmlTagReadOnly |
Field is read only |
Boolean |
FldTagSize |
Field html tag size |
Integer |
FldTagMaxLength |
Field html tag maximum length |
Integer |
FldTagHiddenValue |
Custom value for hidden tag |
String |
FldSelectType |
Field select type (Table/Values) |
String |
FldTagValues |
Field value list |
String |
FldTagLnkTbl |
Field link to table name |
String |
FldTagLnkFld |
Field link to table key field name |
String |
FldTagLnkDisplay |
Field link to table display field name |
String |
FldTagLnkDisp2 |
Field link to table display field 2 name |
String |
FldTagLnkDisp3 (v9.0+) |
Field link to table display field 3 name |
String |
FldTagLnkDisp4 (v9.0+) |
Field link to table display field 4 name |
String |
FldTagLnkOrderBy |
Field link to table order by field name |
String |
FldTagLnkOrderType |
Field link to table order type (ASC/DESC) |
String |
FldTagLnkDistinct |
Field link to table use distinct value |
Boolean |
FldTagCols |
Field column count (TEXTAREA) |
Integer |
FldTagRows |
Field row count (TEXTAREA) |
Integer |
FldTagImgWidth |
Image width (IMG) |
Integer |
FldTagImgHeight |
Image height (IMG) |
Integer |
FldTagAType |
Href type |
String |
FldTagATarget |
Href target type (A) |
String |
FldTagAPrefix |
Href prefix (A) |
String |
FldTagASuffix |
Href suffix (A) |
String |
FldBold |
Field bold enabled |
Boolean |
FldItalic |
Field italic enabled |
Boolean |
FldAlign |
Field alignment |
String |
FldFmtType |
Field format type: "Currency"
- format as currency "Date/Time" - format as date/time
"Number" - format as number "Percent" -
format as percent "String" - format as string |
String |
FldDtFormat |
Field date format:
See PROJ.DefaultDateFormat for details |
Integer |
FldNumDigits |
Field number of digits after decimal |
Integer |
FldIncLeadDigit |
Field include leading digit |
Integer |
FldUseParen |
Field use parenthesis for negative |
Integer |
FldGpDigits |
Field group digits |
Integer |
FileNameFld |
File name field name (FILE) |
String |
FileTypeFld |
File type field name (FILE) |
String |
FileSizeFld |
File size field name (FILE) |
String |
ImageWidthFld |
Image width field name (FILE) |
String |
ImageHeightFld |
Image height field name (FILE) |
String |
FldHrefFld |
Field hyperlink to field name |
String |
FldHrefFldOrig (v7.0+) |
Href use original value |
Boolean |
FldStrFunc |
Field string function name |
String |
FldUseDHTMLEditor |
Use DHTML editor (MEMO) |
Boolean |
FldMemoMaxLength |
Maximum length for memo field (list page only) |
Integer |
FldSelectSize |
Multiple selection list size |
Integer |
FldSelectMultiple |
Use multiple selection list |
Boolean |
FldSelectFilter |
Field select filter |
String |
FldSelectFilterFld |
Dynamic combobox filter field name |
String |
FldParentSelect |
Dynamic combobox parent field name |
String |
FldSelectAllowAdd |
Ajax add to combo box |
Boolean |
FldQuoteS |
Field start quote character |
String |
FldQuoteE |
Field end quote character |
String |
FldColumnWidth |
List page field column width |
String |
FldColumnWrap |
List page field column wrap |
Boolean |
FldAggregate |
Field aggregation function name |
String |
FldGroupBy |
Field grouping sequence (reports only) |
Integer |
FldGroupByShowSummary |
Field grouping show summary (reports only) |
Boolean |
FldOrderBy |
Field ordering sequence |
Integer |
FldOrder |
Field order type (ASC/DESC) |
String |
FldRptAggSum |
Aggregate field sum (reports only) |
Boolean |
FldRptAggAvg |
Aggregate field average (reports only) |
Boolean |
FldRptAggMin |
Aggregate field minimum (reports only) |
Boolean |
FldRptAggMax |
Aggregate field maximum (reports only) |
Boolean |
FldRepeatColumns |
Repeat column count for radios and checkboxes |
Integer |
FldUploadPath |
Field level upload path |
String |
FldCheckDuplicate |
Check duplicate for field |
Boolean |
FldPageIndex |
Field page index (multi page add/edit) |
Integer |
FldAjax |
Field use Ajax |
Boolean |
FldAutoUpdateValue (v7.0+) |
Field auto update value |
String |
FldUploadResize (v7.0+) |
Resize file on upload (FILE) |
Boolean |
FldResizeWidth (v7.0+) |
Resize file width |
Integer |
FldResizeHeight (v7.0+) |
Resize file height |
Integer |
FldResizeInterpolation (v7.0+) |
Resize file interpolation |
Integer |
FldMultiUpdate (v7.0+) |
Field enabled multi-update |
Boolean |
FldTitle (v7.0+) |
Field title attribute (INPUT) |
String |
FldAlt (v7.0+) |
Field alt attribute (IMG) |
String |
FldEditCustomAttributes (v7.0+) |
Field edit tag custom attributes |
String |
FldViewCustomAttributes (v7.0+) |
Field view tag custom attributes |
String |
FldTagACustomAttributes (v9.0+) |
Field href tag custom attributes |
String |
FldSelectForceSelection (v7.0+) |
Field select force selection |
Boolean |
FldAutoFill (v7.0+) |
Field auto fill |
Boolean |
FldMemoCRLFReplace (v7.0+) |
Field replace CrLf with <br> |
Boolean |
FldTooltipFld (v8.0+) |
Field tool tip field |
String |
FldTooltipWidth (v8.0+) |
Field tool tip width (px) |
Long |
FldVirtualLookup (v8.0+) |
Field use virtual lookup (for sort and search) |
Boolean |
Note that from v8+ onwards, language phrases are returned from the run
time ASP.NET codes "<%= Language.Phrase("<phrase>")
%>". Please refer to the description on "Language Block"
in section "Template Tags" for more details.