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ASP.NET XMLMaker is an easy-to-use code generator for creating ASP.NET 2.0 pages that output XML from a Microsoft Access, SQL Server, Oracle or any ODBC Data Source. You can instantly serves XML for Ajax, RSS, Flash or any other applications that consumes XML. ASP.NET XMLMaker is designed for high flexibility, many options enable you to generate the XML in a format that best suits the client applications. The generated codes are clean and easy-to-customize. ASP.NET XMLMaker is an indispensable tool for modern Web development and is suitable for both beginners and experienced developers alike. Both C# and VB are supported.

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What's New

2008/7/29 - ASP.NET XMLMaker 1.0 released


  • Field as Element/Attribute
  • Filtering and Sorting
  • Master/Detail Data
  • Field Value Formatting
  • Null Value Handling
  • Custom View
  • Customizable Template
  • Template Extensions
  • Database Synchronization

Check out ASP.NET XMLMaker full feature list



User Comments on

"Well done all, what ground breakers!!!!"
"You guys are the only people I know in sortware development who seem to get it right every time and actually take the time to listen to their audience requests."

"You don't know what you're missing!"
"I tested this product on one of my existing databases to see what it would produce; in less than 5 minutes I was purchasing a license for ASPMaker. If you code ASP pages from scratch, this will save you over 40 hours of work, easily! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!"

"Essential Tool for REAL webmasters!"
"So easy to use, so affordable. Once I got it, I found more and more uses for it. I am not a programmer, yet I found ASPmaker to be extremely quick and easy to learn."

"As a VB programmer, I would have to say that you guys have an incredible software. Good for you!!! To write that much code manually, would take days. I recommend this to anyone who is planning on writing code to interact with any ODBC Database. If you understand programming, you will appreciate it very much."

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