Generate Settings


Template file Template archive (zip file)
Application root folder The root folder of the ASP.NET application. (See Creating Virtual Directories in IIS)
Destination folder

The destination folder where the scripts are to be generated. The folder is usually same as the application root folder or a subfolder under the application root folder.

Output filename

None - no prefix/suffix is added
Prefix - a prefix is added to all output file names
Infix - an infix is added to all output file names
Suffix - a suffix is added to all output file names

Note: Infix is only applicable to files for table-specific files (i.e. files started with table name).


The string to be concatenated to output file names when the Prefix/Infix/Suffix option is specified.

Lowercase Specify whether output file names are in lowercase
Clear folder

Do not clear - no action
App_Code folder only - delete all .cs or .vb files in App_Code folder.
App_Code and destination folder - delete all ASP.NET files in App_Code folder and destination folder.
App_Code and destination folder (Delete all) - delete all files in App_Code and destination folder.

Testing Web Server

Specify which Web server for testing, you can choose either Cassini or IIS.

Cassini is Microsoft's ASP.NET sample Web Server, it requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, and runs on Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 operating systems. Cassini is good for testing the generated scripts on your local machine and there is no need to setup local web site or virtual directory for it. ASP.NET Maker will look for a free port for Cassini to run. (By default the part range is 1024-5000, you can change the range by changing the registry values of "StartPort" and "EndPort".)

Create IIS virtual directory

Specify whether a local IIS Web site (virtual directory) is created under http://localhost/.

The project name will be used as the alias of the virtual directory. The URL of the virtual directory will be: http://localhost/<Project Name>

ASP.NET XMLMaker will create and configure the virtual directory to run ASP.NET 2.0 automatically.

Browse after generation

Specify whether to open a browser after script generation. URL is http://localhost/<Project Name> by default. Requires IIS.

Note: To avoid overwriting default.aspx of existing ASP.NET application in the destination folder, ASP.NET XMLMaker uses a default page of defaultx.aspx (with a "x" after "default", there may be prefix or suffix also, depending on your output filename settings). When an extension is used, the HTML pages generated by the extensions are usually the real start page to browse. In general, in the sample extensions, indexx.html (with a "x" after "index", there may be prefix or suffix also, depending on your output filename settings) is used. When you create your own extensions, use the same file name for the start page so ASP.NET XMLMaker can open the start page correctly with this feature.

Delete IE cache Specify whether to delete IE cache after script generation.

  1. IE caches static files (including *.html, *.js, *.css and *.xsl files), you need to delete them or the new scripts may not take effect immediately. To delete IE cache automatically after re-generating scripts, close the browser windows and check this option before pressing the "Generate" button. It is also recommended that you set IE to check for newer versions of stored pages on "Every visit to the page."
  2. This option deletes all temporary internet files except cookies.


After setting above, click the [Generate] button to generate scripts.

ASP.NET XMLMaker allows you select scripts to generate and/or overwrite (if scripts already exist in the destination folder) before generation. No more repeated prompts for each file, unless you select "Prompt on overwrite".

You can choose to abort script generation in the middle of the process, just click the [Cancel] button under the progress bar that displayed during script generation.


ASP.NET XMLMaker first unzips the template to the subfolder \ASPXMLMaker\Templates\<template name> under your My Documents folder, pre-processes the scripts in the template, then parses the control.xml and follows the instructions to generate files one by one. If the unzipped template already exists, the code generator will skip the unzip process and reuse the pre-processed scripts. This can speed up the code-generation process and allow user to customize a template without unzipping and zipping the template archive.

The file name of your project file (.nxp file) is used as the project name, you won't be asked for a project name before connecting to a database. Before you name your project name by saving it, ASP.NET XMLMaker uses a temporary name, Project<n>, where n is a number. If you want ASP.NET XMLMaker to create a virtual directory with a specific name, you can change the project name first, see Project File.


Also See:

Template Explained
Project File


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