Template Object Properties
Please refer to the following table for detailed description of Objects and their properties for use with Template Tags.
I. Objects
You can view the object properties by opening your Project File with a text editor. Project file is an XML file, each object is represented by an XML node in the project file. The object properties are saved as attributes of the node. The property name is same as the attribute name.
II. Properties
You can use the standard dot notation to access properties of the objects.
This line will write the project name in the output file.
CTRL Object
Property |
Description |
Data Type |
CtrlId |
ID (e.g. list,
summary, crosstab, etc.) |
String |
PROJ Object
Property |
Description |
Data Type |
ProjName |
Project Name |
String |
CodePage |
Code Page |
Long |
Locale ID |
Long |
Cache |
Allow Cache |
Boolean |
CharSet |
Character Set |
String |
OutputNameType |
Output File Name Type:
"" - None
"Prefix" - Prefix
"Suffix" - Suffix |
String |
OutputNameExt |
Output File Name Prefix or Suffix |
String |
OutputNameLCase |
Output File Name in lowercase |
Boolean |
Template |
Template File location |
String |
Destination |
Output Destination Folder location |
String |
DefaultDateFormat |
Default Date Format:
0 - General Date (System)
1 - Long Date (System)
2 - Short Date (System)
3 - Long Time (System)
4 - Short Time (System)
5 - "yyyy/mm/dd"
6 - "mm/dd/yyyy"
7 - "dd/mm/yyyy" |
Integer |
DateSeparator |
Date Separator: /, -, . |
String |
AutoSync |
Auto Synchronize when open project |
Boolean |
CreateVDir |
Create Virtual Directory |
Boolean |
AutoBrowse |
Browse after Generation |
Boolean |
OtherGen |
Generate Other Scripts |
Boolean |
OtherOverwrite |
Overwrite Other Scripts |
Boolean |
PromptOnOverwrite |
Prompt on Overwrite |
Boolean |
DynamicLoadDB |
Load Database Dynamically |
Boolean |
AppRootFolder |
Application root folder |
String |
DB Object
Property |
Description |
Data Type |
DBName |
Database Name |
String |
DBType |
Database Type |
String |
DBPath |
Database Type |
String |
DBPhyPath |
Database Physical Path |
String |
User ID |
String |
DBPwd |
Password |
String |
DBQuoteS |
Database Start Quote Character |
String |
DBQuoteE |
Database End Quote Character |
String |
DBConnstr |
DB Connection String |
String |
ADO Version |
String |
DBMS Name |
String |
DBMS Version |
String |
OleDb Version |
String |
DBProviderName |
Provider Name |
String |
DBProviderVer |
Provider Version |
String |
DBSchema |
Schema Name |
String |
TABLE Object
Property |
Description |
Data Type |
TblSeq |
Table ordering sequence |
Integer |
TblName |
Table Name |
String |
TblType |
String |
TblKey |
Table Key |
String |
TblGen |
Table Generate |
Boolean |
TblCaption |
Table Caption |
String |
TblVar |
Table Variable Name |
String |
TblFilter |
Table Filter |
String |
TblOverwrite |
Overwrite Table Scripts |
Boolean |
TblLoaded |
Table is Loaded |
Boolean |
TblCustomSQL |
Table Custom SQL (Custom View) |
String |
TblCustomError |
Error loading Custom View / Report |
String |
TblCustomFunction |
Custom function to customzie the XML document |
String |
TblRowCustomFunction |
Custom function to customize the XML for each row |
String |
FIELD Object
Property |
Description |
Data Type |
FldSeq |
Field ordering sequence |
Integer |
FldName |
Field Name |
String |
FldType |
Field Data Type |
Integer |
FldSupport |
Field Supported by ASP.NET XMLMaker |
Boolean |
FldSize |
Field Size |
Integer |
FldUniqueIdx |
Field has unique index |
Boolean |
FldZeroLen |
Field support zero-length string
(For Access database only, not available in PHPMaker and JSPMaker) |
Boolean |
FldReq |
Field Required |
Boolean |
FldAutoIncrement |
Field is Auto Increment |
Boolean |
FldAttribute |
Field ADO Attributes |
Long |
FldGenerate |
Field Allow Generate |
Boolean |
FldList |
Field Allow List |
Boolean |
FldSearch |
Field Allow Search (Popup Filter) |
Boolean |
FldCaption |
Field Caption |
String |
FldVar |
Field Variable |
String |
FldViewTag |
Field View Tag |
String |
FldFmtType |
Field Format Type: "Currency"
- format as currency "Date/Time" - format as Date/Time
"Number" - format as number "Percent" -
format as percent "String" - format as string |
String |
FldDtFormat |
Field Date Format:
See Project/DefaultDateFormat for details |
Integer |
FldNumDigits |
Field number of digits after decimal |
Integer |
FldIncLeadDigit |
Field include leading digit |
Integer |
FldUseParen |
Field use parenthesis for negative |
Integer |
FldGpDigits |
Field group digits |
Integer |
FldHrefFld |
Field Hyperlink to field |
String |
FldStrFunc |
Field String Function |
String |
FldQuoteS |
Field Start Quote Character |
String |
FldQuoteE |
Field End Quote Character |
String |
FldOrderBy |
Field Ordering Sequence |
Integer |
FldOrder |
Field Order Type (ASC/DESC) |
String |
FldMemoMaxLength |
Memo field max. length in list page |
Integer |
FldTagName |
Tag name (or attribute name of the field |
String |
FldFmtFunction |
Custom function to format the field value |
String |
FldCustomFunction |
Custom function to customize the field (as element) |
String |
LANG Object
Method |
Description |
Data Type |
Phrase |
Method to retrieve a phrase in the language file |
String |
Note that this object is different from above objects. There is only one method, no properties. To get a language phrase, use the following syntax:
This is equivalent to:
This line outputs the phrase "BackToList" as defined in the lang.xml. If the lang.xml file contain the node:
<phrase id="BackToList" value="Back to List"/>
The line write "Back to List" to the output file.