FusionCharts Free vs FusionCharts

FusionCharts Free and FusionCharts are two different products with entirely different licensing schemes. FusionCharts Free is a completely free and open-source product which covers basic charting needs. Registered users of ASP Report Maker 5 are entitled to use the benefit of the FusionCharts extension with licensed FusionCharts v3 which is a paid product with a wider variety of chart types, a host of advanced features and the ability to render the charts in JavaScript as well. Read Third Party Tools for more information.

  FusionCharts Free FusionCharts (extension for registered users only)
Overall Difference
Charts created in
Flash MX / ActionScript 1 Adobe Flash 8 / ActionScript 2
Animation in charts All Charts except Stacked 3D Column and Candlestick Charts support animation All charts support animation
In-built visual debugger for easy debugging
No Yes. The debugger points out if there were any problems in loading data or with the data itself.

JavaScript (HTML 5) charts

No Yes
Chart Types
Column Chart

Both 2D & 3D

Both 2D & 3D, with 3D-lighting and gradients. Also, glass effect column chart supported

Pie Chart

Both 2D & 3D

Both 2D & 3D, with 3D-lighting and gradients. Also, interactive slicing and rotation are supported.

Bar Chart


Both 2D & 3D, with 3D-lighting and gradients.



Line Chart



Doughnut Chart


Both 2D & 3D, with 3D lighting and gradients. Also, interactive slicing and rotation are supported.

Area Chart



Multi-Series/Stacked Charts

3D/2D Column, 2D Bar, 2D Line and 2D Area Charts

2D Line and 2D Area Charts. Both 2D & 3D Bar and Column charts, with 3D lighting and gradients



Dual Y Axis Combination Charts

2D/3D Column (primary Y Axis) & Line (secondary Y Axis)

2D/3D Column (primary Y Axis) & Line (secondary Y Axis). Support for 3D lighting effect and gradient fills. Scrollable charts available (see below).

Scrollable charts

Yes. 2D Column, line and area charts with scrollable x-axis



Gantt Chart


* Not included in FusionCharts, use FusionCharts Free.

Funnel Chart


* Not included in FusionCharts, use FusionCharts Free.

Candlestick Chart


* Not included in FusionCharts, use FusionCharts Free.

Gradients and 3D Lighting
No Yes. Gradients allow for gradient fill for the data plot, the canvas and the chart background. 3D lighting gives a realistic 3D feel to the charts
Entire chart as hot-spot No Yes
Smart labels in Pie and Doughnut Charts
No Yes
Color Palettes
No Yes. Pre-defined color themes with visually-pleasing colors defined for all chart elements
Display Modes for x-axis labels Rotate. Rotate, stagger, slant and wrap.
Multi-lingual (UTF-8) characters Yes. Horizontally. Yes. Both horizontally and vertically.


Also See:

Third Party Tools
Tutorial - Chart







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