Field Level Custom Setup

Supported Field Types
General Settings
List Page
View Page
Edit Page
Add Page
Advanced Search Page
Custom field display order by drag-and-drop

1. Supported Field Types

Not all field types are supported in CFMMaker. Please refer to the following tables for details.

Data Type Equivalent ODBC Data Type Support
dbBigInt adBigInt Yes
dbBinary adBinary No
dbBoolean adBoolean Yes
dbByte adUnsignedTinyInt Yes
dbChar adChar Yes
dbCurrency adCurrency Yes
dbDate adDBTimeStamp Yes
dbDecimal adNumeric Yes
dbDouble adDouble Yes
dbFloat adDouble Yes
dbInteger adSmallInt Yes
dbLong adInteger Yes
dbLongBinary adLongVarBinary No
dbMemo adLongVarWChar Yes
dbNumeric adNumeric Yes
dbSingle adSingle Yes
dbText adVarWChar Yes
dbTime adDBTimeStamp Yes
dbTimeStamp adDBTimeStamp Yes
dbVarBinary adLongVarBinary No

If CFMMaker finds an unsupported field in a table, an "Unsupported Fields" tab will appear. You can click on the tab to view the list of fields that are not supported.

2. General Settings

2.1 Properties Description:

Field Name Field Name (read only)
Data Type Data Type (read only)
Size Maximum field length (read only)
Caption Caption to be displayed
Default Value Default value for field (for adding new record) . Must be a valid VBScript expression. (If it is string, need to be double quoted.)
Primary Key Primary Key of the table (You should never change this field unless you are absolutely sure that this field is unique. Otherwise unexpected error may occur)

3. List Page

3.1 Properties Description:

List Show field in list page
Aggregate Enable Field Aggregation. Aggregated values will be shown at Page Footer. Not applicable in multi-column view. Aggregate options include:
- TOTAL (sum of all field values in current page)
- COUNT (count of records in current page)
- AVERAGE (average field value in current page)
Width Specify field column width
Wrap Enable/Disable wrapping of field text
Default Order Order the records by this field

4. View Page

4.1 Properties Description:

View Show field in view page
View Tag View Format (refer to the following View Tag Table for details). Used in List/View pages.

Available View Tags (Click the [View Tag] column or the icon on the View Tag panel toolbar to select)

View As tags

4.2 View Tag Table

Formatted Text
Bold Display as Bold (enclosed with <b> </b> tags)
Italic Display as Italic (enclosed with <i> </i> tags)
Align Left/Center/Right/Justify. Align the data (enclosed with <div> </div> tags)
None No formatting
Currency Display in currency format (VBScript FormatCurrency function)
Date/Time Display in date format (CFMMaker formatdatetime function)
Number Display in number format (VBScript FormatNumber function)
Percent Display in percent format (VBScript FormatPercent function)
String Format the field value with specified VBScript string function or custom function
HREF field Display the field as hyperlink with the href attribute set to the value of this field. Can be the field itself.
Target _top/_parent/_self/_blank

- None (no prefix, relative path of url)
- http:// (prefix http:// added, absolute path of url)
- mailto: (prefix mailto: added, email link)
- ftp:// (prefix ftp:// added, ftp link)
- file:// (prefix file:// added, file link)
- news:// (prefix news:// added, newsgroup link)

Suffix Append the input string to the URL

Display as Image (using <img> tag). Should be a long character string field or a field storing the path of the image

IMG Tag attributes
Width Specify the width of the image
Height Specify the height of the image
Hyperlink (same as above)


5. Edit Page

5.1 Properties Description:

Edit Show field add/edit page (See also the Read Only property below)
Read Only Make the field read only in edit page.
Edit Tag Edit Format (refer to the following Edit Tag Table for details). Use in Add/Copy/Edit/Search pages.

Available Edit Tags (Click the [Edit Tag] column or the icon on the Edit Tag Panel toolbar to select)

Edit page client-side JavaScript validation

5.2 Properties Description:


<input type="text"> tag
Attributes: Size, MaxLength


<input type="password"> tag
Attributes: Size, MaxLength


<input type="radio"> tag
CFMMaker supports using an existing table as data source for the options. Check "Use Table" and enter the parameters (See the description below) Alternatively, you can enter the options manually.


<input type="checkbox"> tag
CFMMaker supports using an existing table as data source for multiple checkboxes. Check "Use Table" and enter the parameters (See the description below) Alternatively, you can enter the options manually.

Note: The submitted values of multiple checkboxes is in CSV (comma separated values) format. Therefore you must not use numeric fields for multiple checkboxes.


<select> tag
Supports using an existing table as data source for the selection list options. Check "Use Table" and enter the parameters (See the description below) Alternatively, you can enter the options manually.

CFMMaker also support the following <select> tag attributes:
Size: Number of options to show. If more that 1, the selection list is shown as a listbox, otherwise it is shown as a combobox.
Multiple: Check to enable multiple selection.

Note: The submitted values of multiple selection is in CSV (comma separated values) format. Therefore you must not use numeric fields for multiple selection.


<textarea> tag
Attributes: Cols, Rows

CFMMaker supports using a DHTML editor to edit data in memo fields and store it as HTML. Check Use DHTML Editor to enable this feature.

Note: The DHTML Editor requires IE5.5+. It is a a freeware available at It is not developed by the author of CFMMaker and no technical support will be provided.


<input type="file"> tag
Attributes: Size (the size of the input tag, not file)

For character string fields only. Used with file uploading to folder or database.

Note: Use character string fields for file upload to FOLDER purpose. DO NOT use long character string fields or binary fields. The field is only used to store the uploaded file name.

Note: Do NOT use binary or BLOB fields for file/image upload to DATABASE. Use variable-length long character string fields. For example, memo field (Access), text field (SQL Server), CLOB field (Oracle), MediumText or LongText field (MySQL).

You can also store the information of the uploaded file in the following fields:

File type field Recommended. Useful when you want to response to user browser the exact content type of the data.
File name field Optional. Useful if you want to use the orignal filename.
File size field Optional. Stores the uploaded file size.
Image width field Optional. For use with images only. Stores the width of the uploaded image.
Image height field Optional. For use with images only. Stores the height of the uploaded image.

5.3 Binding data in an existing table to Edit Tag ( Radio/Checkbox/Select)

Click Use Table and assign the following parameters:

Table name The table to be linked to
Link field The field to be used as the value of an option
Display field #1 The field to be used as the label of an option
Display field #2 Optional. Another field to be included in the label of an option.
Order By Optional. Used to sort the options
Asc/Desc Optional. Sorting order.
Distinct Optional. Distinctive options
Filter WHERE clause to filter options from the table
Filter Field Optional. For used with the Dynamic Selection List feature. Available for <select> tag only. If this <select> tag is setup as the Second Combobox (see below), the options in this <select> tag will be changed with the selected option of the first combobox. It is done by filtering the linked table records by this field. Only records with a Filter Field value matching the selected value of the first combobox will be shown.
Second Combobox

Optional. For used with the Dynamic Selection List feature. Available for <select> tag only. Specify the other combobox whose options are to be changed with the selected option of this <select> tag.


5.4 Validation (for add/copy/edit/search pages)

The data input for each field can be validated using client-side JavaScript.

Validate Supported data type are:
Integer, Float, Range, Date(yyyy/mm/dd), Date(mm/dd/yyyy), Date(dd/mm/yyyy), Time, Email, Credit card, GUID, US phone numner, US zip code, US social security number
Required Check this checkbox if the field is mandatory
Error Message Enter the error message to popup if error occurs

Check Use DHTML popup calendar if the field is of date type and you want to use a visual date picker instead of manual input.


  1. The popup calendar requires Internet Explorer 5 / Netscape 6 (or later)
  2. The popup calendar is a freeware available at Fuushikaden Web Workshop. It is not developed by the author of CFMMaker and no technical support will be provided.

6. Add Page

6.1 Properties Description:

Add Show field in add page

7. Advanced Search Page

7.1 Properties Description:

Search Show field in Advanced Search page (Note: NOT related to Quick Search)
Search Opr 1 Search operator #1 for the field. Used in Advanced Search.
Search Opr 2 Search operator #2 for the field. Used in Advanced Search for searching ranges.

8. Custom field display order by drag-and-drop

You can change the field order defined in the database by simple drag and drop. CFMMaker will generate ASP and display records according to this order.

Custom field order by drag-and-drop



User Comments on ASPMaker

"Well done all, what ground breakers!!!!"
"You guys are the only people I know in sortware development who seem to get it right every time and actually take the time to listen to their audience requests."

"You don't know what you're missing!"
"I tested this product on one of my existing databases to see what it would produce; in less than 5 minutes I was purchasing a license for ASPMaker. If you code ASP pages from scratch, this will save you over 40 hours of work, easily! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!"

"Essential Tool for REAL webmasters!"
"So easy to use, so affordable. Once I got it, I found more and more uses for it. I am not a programmer, yet I found ASPmaker to be extremely quick and easy to learn."

"As a VB programmer, I would have to say that you guys have an incredible software. Good for you!!! To write that much code manually, would take days. I recommend this to anyone who is planning on writing code to interact with any ODBC Database. If you understand programming, you will appreciate it very much."


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