General Custom Setup

JSPMaker Settings
HTML Settings
Security Settings
Generate Settings

1. JSPMaker Settings

1.1 General Options

Field Description:

Set locale

Sets the country/language locale for JSPMaker processing and the page returned to the client. The locale value determines the default format of date, time, number, and currency values, according to language and regional conventions.

By default, JSPMaker uses the JVM locale, and the default JVM locale is the operating system locale.

No Cache Whether caching is required on browser
Replace CR+LF by <br> For memo fields
Default Date Format None (use default locale) , yyyy/mm/dd, mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy
Max File Size (bytes) Maximum file upload size in bytes
Uploaded file dest. path

JSPMaker supports file upload to a folder on the server. Use slashes "/" as path delimiter, no leading slash. For example, "uploads/".

JSPMaker uses Jakarta Commons FileUpload.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that:
1. The upload folder exists on your server,
2. Write permission is set for the upload folder,
3. The commons-fileupload-1.0.jar file is accessible by your Web application.

Session Timeout The length of time in minutes before an idle session is terminated. If blank or 0, default setting (30 minutes) of the server will be used.

1.2 List Page Options

Field Description:

Records per page Number of records to be displayed on the list page of all tables. If blank or 0, default setting of 20 will be used.
Paging section style "NumericPages" or "NextPrev"
Paging section at top Show the paging section at top instead of bottom
Multiple column Show multiple records per row
Multiple delete Show checkboxes in the list page for selecting multiple records to delete
View/Edit/Copy/Delete/Details links on left Show the links of the left instead of right

2. HTML Settings

2.1 General Options

Field Description:

Title Title displayed on all the JSP pages
Charset Charset setting (not specified if not entered)
Font Default text font (not specified if not entered)
Size Default text size (not specified if 0 is entered)
Use CSS stylesheet A project CSS file will be generated. The CSS stylsheet can be edited using the "Edit stylsheet" button on the right.
User Stylesheet Linking to external User Stylesheet (will be copied across during generation)

2.2 Body Options

Field Description:

Background Color Background Color (<body> tag bgcolor= property)
Text Color Text Color (<body> tag text= property)
Link Color Normal HyperLink Color (<body> tag link= property)
Visited Link Color Visited HyperLink Color (<body> tag vlink= property)
Active Link Color Active HyperLink Color (<body> tag alink= property)
Left Margin Body Left Margin (<body> tag leftmargin= property)
Top Margin Body Top Margin (<body> tag topmargin= property)

2.3 Table Options

Field Description:

Width Table Width (<table> tag width= property)
Cell Padding Table Cell Padding (<table> tag cellpadding= property)
Border Table Border Width (<table> tag border= property)
Cell Spacing Table Cell Spacing (<table> tag cellspacing= property)
Background Color Table Background Color (<table> tag bgcolor= property)
Header Color Background Color for heading (field caption) cells
Header Font Color Color for heading (field caption) texts
Row Color First alternate row color (list page only)
Alt. Row Color Second alternate row color (list page only)
Footer Color Background Color for footer

You can see the effect of new settings right away in the preview window at the bottom of HTML or Table pages.

You can choose CSS font-size values. The setting will also apply to the form elements to provide consistent look of the pages.

Other than choosing color from the palettes, the color picker can also pick color directly from screen using the "eyedropper".

3. Security Settings

Field Description:

Administrator Login (Hard-Coded) Administrator user id and password
Login Name Login Name for administrator
Password Password for adminsitrator
Use Existing Table Link to existing table for user id and password validation
Table Existing table on database containing user id/password information for security checking
Login Name Field Login Name field on table used for authentication
Password Field Password field on table used for authentication
User ID Field User ID field on table used for restricting users to their own records only


Advanced Security allows you to assign User Levels to users. Each user level can have different permissions to modify data in each table. Click the "User Levels" and the User Level Setup form will popup for you to define levels:

Select an integer field in your user table as the User Level field and then define your user levels, JSPMaker will then populate the user levels to the User Level field for you to assign to users.

Note that you need to use the hard-coded Administrator Login to log on and assign user levels to users.

4. Generate Settings

Field Description:

Template File HTML/JSP template source (You should never change this until you have downloaded a new template from our web site)
Destination Folder The destination folder where the JSP scripts are to be generated
Output FileName

None - no prefix/suffix is added
Prefix - a prefix is added to all output file names
Suffix - a suffix is added to all output file names

Prefix/Suffix The string to be concatenated to output file names when the Prefix or Suffix option is specified
Lowercase Specify whether output file names are in lowercase
Create virtual directory at http://localhost/<Project Name> Specify whether a virtual directory is created under http://localhost/
Note: Requires IIS and Windows Script Host
Browse after generation Specify whether to open a browser after script generation. URL is http://localhost/<Project Name> by default.
Note: Requires IIS and Windows Script Host


Note that the file name of your project file (JMP file) is used as the project name, you won't be asked for a project name before connecting to a database. Before you name your project name by saving it, JSPMaker uses a temporary name, Project<n>, where n is a number. If you want JSPMaker to create a virtual directory with a specific name, save your project file as that name first.



User Comments on ASPMaker

"Well done all, what ground breakers!!!!"
"You guys are the only people I know in software development who seem to get it right every time and actually take the time to listen to their audience requests."

"You don't know what you're missing!"
"I tested this product on one of my existing databases to see what it would produce; in less than 5 minutes I was purchasing a license for ASPMaker. If you code JSP pages from scratch, this will save you over 40 hours of work, easily! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!"

"Essential Tool for REAL webmasters!"
"So easy to use, so affordable. Once I got it, I found more and more uses for it. I am not a programmer, yet I found ASPmaker to be extremely quick and easy to learn."

"As a VB programmer, I would have to say that you guys have an incredible software. Good for you!!! To write that much code manually, would take days. I recommend this to anyone who is planning on writing code to interact with any ODBC Database. If you understand programming, you will appreciate it very much."


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