JSPMaker Template File

Every template file is stored in the form of a zip file. It contains the archive of all the necessary files needed to generate the JSP application.

Control file

The core of the template file is a control file named "control.xml". It is a well-formed XML file and it contains all the necessary information for the generation process. It is structured in 3 levels, namely the product level, control level and session level.

The top level is the product level and is identified by the <jspmaker> tag. It gives a brief description of the template and currently serves for documentation purpose only.

The next level is the control level (identified by the <control> tag). Each <control> specify a JSP file that will be generated by JSPMaker. At present there are 3 types of files that will be generated.

Table-related files (type="table")
The JSP files that will perform "list", "view", "add", "edit", "delete" and "search" functions on specific database tables

Field-related files (type="field")
The JSP files that will display database blob fields

Other files (type="other")
The "include" files that may be cfm-included by the table-related files, and security related files

Copy files (type="copy")
Includes files that will be copied directly from the templates, such as image files

The third level is the session level (identified by the <session> tag). For each <control>, there can be multiple sessions that will constitute the output. Each session can be a specific segment from the input files or a JSPL include statement.

Please refer to the following table for detailed description of the attributes:

<jspmaker> attributes
date Template created date (yyyy/mm/dd)
version Shipped with JSPMaker version
desc Brief description of the template
author Author of the template

<control> attributes
ofile Output file name
oext Output file extension ("cfm")

Control type:
"table" - table-related files
"other" - JSP include files or security related files
"copy" - files that will be directly copied


Control id. The following ids are supported at present:
id="list" - list page
id="add" - add page
id="edit" - edit page
id="delete" - delete page
id="view" - view page
id="search" - search page
id="blobview" - display blob field
id="loginh" - login page (hard coded user id and password)
id="loginl" - login page (use information from table for user id and password)
id="logout" - logout page
other ids are treated as JSP include files
all ids are treated as files to be copied

ifiles List of input files to be processed (comma delimited)
ofolder Output file folder (used for type="copy" only)
cond condition for generation

<session> attributes
type Session type:
"key" - output the segment identified by the key from the list of input files
"include" - create an JSPL include statement
value Session value:
key value of segment (identified by <!--session id=key--> in input files)
include file name
ifile input file that contains the session (if not specified, use ifiles from control)
cond condition for generation


JSPMaker tags in the template files

JSPMaker replaces the following tags inside the templates to generate the working codes, advanced users can make use of these tags to create custom templates. These tags are case-insensitive.

1. Control Generation

1.1 Session Tags

JSPMaker builds the source of the JSP scripts based on the sequence of sessions specified in the control file of the template. Each session tag carries a session name that identifies the script block that JSPMaker will extract.

<!--@##session ##session_name##-->
session content here

1.2 Optional Tags

The optional tag specifies a condition to control whether a script block will be generated.

<!--@##optional ##condition##-->
optional content here

For syntax of the condition, please refer to section 4.

1.3 Generate Script Tags (add/edit scripts only)

The Generate Script tag will generate the database update script for all fields in the table. It is used in "add" and "edit" scripts only.

<!--##gen ##script#condition#parm##--><!--##/gen##-->

For syntax of the condition, please refer to section 4.
The "parm" is optional. If specified, it is used as the suffix to form the name of the final processing script (i.e. script_parm).

Assumption: recordset name is "rs" and recordset is opened before calling

1.4 Generate Tables Tags

The Generate Tables tag will generate the enclosed script block repeatedly for all tables that requires generation.

<!--##gen ##tables#condition##-->
table script block here

For syntax of the condition, please refer to section 4.

1.5 Generate Fields Tags

The Generate Fields tag will generate the enclosed script block repeatedly for all fields that requires generation in the current table.

<!--##gen ##fields#condition##-->
field script block here

For syntax of the condition, please refer to section 4.

1.6 Generate Cond Tags

The Generate Cond tag will generate the enclosed script block if the condition specified are met.

<!--##gen ##cond#condition##-->
script block here

For syntax of the condition, please refer to section 4.

1.7 Generate JS Tags

The Generate JS tag will generate the required JS for the enclosed form tag.

<form ...>

2. Language Phrase Replacement Tags

In JSPMaker, all language specific phrases are put in a XML-format language file. To specify a language phrase replacement in the template, the language phrase replacement tag is used. During script generation, JSPMaker will replace the tag with the corresponding phrase found in the language file.

3. Replacement Tags

Replacement tags specify the attributes in the template files that are replaced with Project, Database, Table or Field specific properties. (list of replacement tags)


4. Condition Checking

Condition checking is used extensively in JSPMaker templates to control the script generation process. Scripts enclosed by the tag will be generated if condition specified is met.

The syntax of condtion checking is as follow:


condition format: Object_Type/Object_Property/Operator/Value1[|Value2...]

Object Type:
proj = current Project object
db = current Database object
table = current Table object
field = current Field object

Object Property: (list of object properties)

EQ = equal
NE = not equal
GT = greater than
GE = greater than or equal to
LT = less than
LE = less than or equal to
IN = contain value
NI = not contain value

value for comparison
If value start with "%", then rest of value will be treated as object property



User Comments on ASPMaker

"Well done all, what ground breakers!!!!"
"You guys are the only people I know in software development who seem to get it right every time and actually take the time to listen to their audience requests."

"You don't know what you're missing!"
"I tested this product on one of my existing databases to see what it would produce; in less than 5 minutes I was purchasing a license for ASPMaker. If you code JSP pages from scratch, this will save you over 40 hours of work, easily! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!"

"Essential Tool for REAL webmasters!"
"So easy to use, so affordable. Once I got it, I found more and more uses for it. I am not a programmer, yet I found ASPmaker to be extremely quick and easy to learn."

"As a VB programmer, I would have to say that you guys have an incredible software. Good for you!!! To write that much code manually, would take days. I recommend this to anyone who is planning on writing code to interact with any ODBC Database. If you understand programming, you will appreciate it very much."


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