Template Object Properties

Please refer to the following table for detailed description of Objects and their properties for use with Template Tags.


I. Objects

Project Description
CTRL Control Object
PROJ Project Object
CUSTOMSCRIPTS (v4+) Custom Scripts Object
MENULIST (v3+) MenuList Object
DB Database Object
TABLE Table Object
CHART Chart Object
FIELD Field Object
LANGUAGE (v4+) Language Object

You can view the object properties by opening your Project File with a text editor. Project file is an XML file, each object is represented by an XML node in the project file. The object properties are saved as attributes of the node. The property name is same as the attribute name.


II. Properties

You can use the standard dot notation to access properties of the objects.



This line will write the project name in the output file.

CTRL Object

The CTRL Object points to the current control in control.xml that is being generated.

Property Description Data Type
CtrlId ID (e.g. rpt, summary, crosstab, etc.) String
CtrlType Control type (e.g. table, report, field, other, copy, etc.) String


PROJ Object

The PROJ Object points to the current project. You can access the current project properties by PROJ.PropertyName.

Property Description Data Type
ProjName Project Name String
MultiLanguage (v4+) Multiple language project Boolean
DefaultLanguageFile (v4+) Default language file String
LanguageFiles (v4+) Language files supported (comma separated) String
AppCompat Application in compatibility mode Boolean
AppHeader Compatibility mode header file name String
AppFooter Compatibility mode footer file name String
AppLogin Compatibility mode login file name String
AppLogout Compatibility mode logout file name String
AppDefault Compatibility mode default file name String
AppCssFolder Css folder name (relative path) String
AppChartCssFile Chart Css file name String
AppCompatVersion (v4+) Compatible version Integer
CodePage (v4+) Code Page Long
ApplicationTheme (v3+) Theme name String
HeaderColor (v3+) Header color String
HeaderLogo (v3+) Header logo String
MenuColor (v3+) Menu color String
FooterColor (v3+) Footer color String
FooterFontColor (v3+) Footer font color String
FooterText (v3+) Footer text String
UploadPath (v4+) Image Path (for uploaded images) String
Cache Allow Cache Boolean
CharSet Character Set String

Output File Name Type:
"" - None
"Prefix" - Prefix
"Suffix" - Suffix

OutputNameExt Output File Name Prefix or Suffix String
OutputNameLCase Output File Name in lowercase Boolean
BodyTitle Body Title Description String
BodyFont Body Font String
BodySize Body Size String
BodyBgColor Body Background Color String
BodyTextColor Body Text Color String
BodyLnkColor Body Link Color String
BodyVLnkColor Body Vlink Color String
BodyALnkColor Body Alink Color String
BodyLeftMargin Body Left Margin Integer
BodyTopMargin Body Top Margin Integer
DocType (v5+) Document Type (NONE,HTML,XHTML,HTML5) String
TblWidth Table Width String
TblPadding Table Padding Integer
TblBorder Table Border Integer
TblSpacing Table Spacing Integer
TblBgColor Table Background Color String
TblHdrFontColor Table Header Font Color String
TblHdrColor Table Header Background Color String
TblAltColor Table Use Alternate Row Color Boolean
TblAltColor1 Table Alternate Color 1 String
TblAltColor2 Table Alternate Color 2 String
Template Template File location String
Destination Output Destination Folder location String
SecType Security Type:
"None" - No Security
"Hard Code" - Use Hard Code ID/Pwd
"Use Table" - Use Security Table
"Both" - Use Security Table & Hard Code Administrator
SecLoginID Administrator Login ID String
SecPasswd Administrator Password String
SecTbl User Table Name String
SecLoginIDFld User Table Login ID Field String
SecPasswdFld User Table Password Field String
MemoCRLFReplace Replace CRLF with BR for Memo Field Boolean
SessTimeOut Session Timeout time Integer
DefaultDateFormat Default Date Format:
0 - General Date (System)
1 - Long Date (System)
2 - Short Date (System)
3 - Long Time (System)
4 - Short Time (System)
5 - "yyyy/mm/dd"
6 - "mm/dd/yyyy"
7 - "dd/mm/yyyy"
DateSeparator Date Separator: /, -, . String
RptColColor Report column color String
RptGrpColor1 Report group 1 color String
RptGrpColor2 Report group 2 color String
RptGrpColor3 Report group 3 color String
RptGrpColor4 Report group 4 color String
RptPageTotalColor Report page total color String
RptGrandTotalColor Report grand total color String
AutoSync Auto Synchronize when open project Boolean
CreateVDir Create Virtual Directory Boolean
AutoBrowse Browse after Generation Boolean
BodyStyle Body Style String
OtherGen Generate Other Scripts Boolean
OtherGenList (v4+) Generation list for other scripts. Format:
@db=1,@css=0,... (Generate "db" = Yes, Generate "css" = No, etc...)
OtherExpanded (v4+) Expand the other generation list (for display) Boolean
OtherOverwrite (deprecated in v4+) Overwrite Other Scripts Boolean
PromptOnOverwrite (deprecated in v4+) Prompt on Overwrite Boolean
DynamicLoadDB Load Database Dynamically Boolean
OptionExplicit Option Explicit Boolean
RptIndent Report Indentation in Pixels (Report Page) Integer
RecPerPage Record Per Page (List Page) Integer
RecPerPageList Comma delimited values for Dynamic Page List (List Page) String
PrinterFriendly (v4+) Printer Friendly Boolean
ExportHtml Export to Html Boolean
ExportWord Export to Word Boolean
ExportExcel Export to Excel Boolean
ExportEmail (v4+) Export to email Boolean
ExportPDF (v5+) Export to PDF Boolean
ExportType (v4+) Export Type:
"PAGE" = export current page
"ALL" = export all records
PagerStyle Pager Style:
1 - Numeric Pages
2 - NextPrev
TopPageLink Pager on Top Boolean
BottomPageLink (v3+) Pager on Bottom Boolean
LinkOnLeft Links on Left Boolean
AppRootFolder Application root folder String
RepeatColumns (v4+) Repeat column count for radios and checkboxes Integer
SecRegisterActivate (v3+) Registration requires activation Boolean
SecRegisterActivateFld (v3+) Registration activation field name String
MD5Password (v3+) Use MD5 password Boolean
CaseSensitivePassword (v3+) Use case sensitive password Boolean
ServerValidate (v4+) Use server validation Boolean
ClientValidate (v4+) Use client validation Boolean
RecipientEmail (v4+) Receiver email String
SMTPServerUsername (v4+) Smtp server user name String
SMTPServerPassword (v4+) Smtp server password String
FavIcon (v4+) File path for FavIcon String
LoginOption (v4+) Login options: (comma separated list of following options, e.g. "AUTO,USER,ASK")
"AUTO" - Auto login until logout explicitly
"USER" - Save user name
"ASK" - Always ask for user name and password
ChartMenuItems (v4+) Show chart menu items Boolean


Custom Scripts Object

The Custom Scripts Object contains the collection of all custom scripts defined in the current project. Each custom script has the following properties.

Property Description Data Type
ScriptType Script type (Server/Client) String
ScriptCodeType Script code type (Global/Table/Other) String
ScriptName Script name String
ScriptCtrlID Script control id String
ScriptL1Key Script level 1 key (table/other name)
ScriptL2Key Script level 2 key (reserved for future use) String
ScriptCode Custom script code String


MenuList Object

The MenuList Object contains the menu items defined in the current project. It has the following properties.

Property Description Data Type
Count Number of menu items in the menu list Integer
The ith item in the menu, which contains the following properties
Array of menu items Item Object
MenuID Menu id Integer
MenuText Menu display text String
MenuParentID Menu parent id
MenuGroup (v5+) Menu group Boolean
MenuExtUrl Menu external url (for MenuCustomUrl = True only) String
MenuAnonymous (v4+) Menu anonymous access Integer
MenuUrl Menu url String
MenuType (v4+) Menu type (Table/Chart) String
MenuCustomUrl Menu use custom url Boolean
MenuLevel Menu level Integer
MenuShow Menu show this item Boolean
MenuDisplayOrder Menu display order Integer


DB Object

The DB Object points to the current database. You can access the current database properties by DB.PropertyName.

Property Description Data Type
DBName Database Name String
DBType Database Type String
DBPath Database Type String
DBPhyPath Database Physical Path String
DBUID User ID String
DBPwd Password String
DBQuoteS Database Start Quote Character String
DBQuoteE Database End Quote Character String
DBConnstr DB Connection String String
DBADOVer ADO Version String
DBDBMSName DBMS Name String
DBDBMSVer DBMS Version String
DBOLEDBVer OleDb Version String
DBProviderName Provider Name String
DBProviderVer Provider Version String
DBSchema Schema Name String
MaxUploadSize Upload Field maximum upload size Integer
SecUserLevelFld User Level Field for Advanced Security String
SecDefault Default Security String String
SecuUserIDFld User ID Field for Advanced Security String
SecuParentUserIDFld Parent User ID Field for Advanced Security String
UseDynamicUserLevel (v3+) Use dynamic user level Boolean
UserLevelTbl (v3+) User Level Table String
UserLevelIdFld (v3+) User Level ID Field String
UserLevelNameFld (v3+) User Level Name Field String
UserLevelPrivTbl (v3+) User Level Permission Table String
UserLevelPrivTblNameFld (v3+) User Level Permission Table Name Field String
UserLevelPrivUserLevelFld (v3+) User Level Permission User Level Field String
UserLevelPrivPrivFld (v3+) User Level Permission Permission Field String


TABLE Object

The TABLE Object points to the current table. You can access the current table properties by TABLE.PropertyName.

Property Description Data Type
TblSchema (v4+) Table schema name String
TblName Table Name String
TblKey Table Key String
TblGen Table Generate Boolean
TblGenList (v4+)    
TblList Show Table in Menu Boolean
TblCaption Table Caption String

Table Variable Name

TblDefault Table link from default page Boolean
TblFilter Table Filter String
TblUserIDFld Table User ID Field for Advanced Security String
TblSecurity Table Security Settings for Advanced Security String
TblOverwrite Overwrite Table Scripts Boolean
TblLoaded Table is Loaded Boolean
TblRptShowSummaryView (v5+) Show Summary View Boolean
TblRptShowDetails Show report details Boolean
TblRptShowGrandTotal Show Report Grand Total (Report Only) Boolean
TblReportType Report Type
"list" - simple list report
"summary" - summary report
"crosstab" - crosstab report
TblShowReport Show report Boolean
TblRptShowPageTotal Show report page total Boolean
TblRowSum Show report row sum (crosstab only) Boolean
TblShowEmptyRows Show empty rows (crosstab only) Boolean
TblCustomSQL Table Custom SQL (Custom View) String
TblCustomError Error loading Custom View / Report String
TblRptSrc Report Source Table Boolean
TblUseGlobal Use Global Settings Boolean
TblRecPerPage Groups/Records Per Page Integer
TblRecPerPageList Comma Delimited Values for Dynamic Paging String
TblPrinterFriendly (v4+) Printer Friendly Boolean
TblExportHtml Export to Html Boolean
TblExportWord Export to Word Boolean
TblExportExcel Export to Excel Boolean
TblExportEmail (v4+) Export to email Boolean
TblExportPDF (v5+) Export to PDF Boolean
TblExportType (v4+) Export Type:
"PAGE" = export current page
"ALL" = export all records
TblPagerStyle Pager Style:
1 - Numeric Pages
2 - NextPrev
TblTopPageLink Pager on Top Boolean
TblBottomPageLink (v3+) Pager on Bottom Boolean
TblLinkOnLeft Links on Left Boolean


CHART Object

The CHART Object points to the current chart. You can access the current chart properties by CHART.PropertyName.

Property Description Data Type
ChartSeq Chart ordering sequence Integer
ChartName Chart Name String
ChartVar Chart Variable Name String
ShowChart Show chart in report Boolean
ChartXFldName Chart X Axis field name String
ChartYFldName Chart Y Axis field name String
ChartSeriesYAxis (v4+) Chart y-axis series ("1" / "2", comma separated) String
ChartNameFldName (v4+) Chart Name field name (Candlestick chart only) String
ChartSeriesFldName Chart Series field name (multi-series or stacked charts) String
ChartSeriesFldOrder (v4+) Chart Series field order ("ASC" / "DESC") String
ChartSummaryType (v3+) Chart Summary Type (SUM/AVG/MIN/MAX/COUNT) String

Chart Type:
(Single Series)
1 - Column 2D
2 - Pie 2D
3 - Bar 2D
4 - Line 2D
5 - Column 3D
6 - Pie 3D
7 - Area 2D
8 - Dougnut 2D
(Multi Series)
9 - Column 2D
10 - Column 3D
11 - Line 2D
12 - Area 2D
13 - Bar 2D
14 - Column 2D
15 - Column 3D
16 - Area 2D
17 - Bar 2D
18 - Column 2D Line Dual Y (v4+)
19 - Column 3D Line Dual Y (v4+)
20 - Candlestick (v4+)
21 - Gantt (registered users only) (v4+)
22 - Funnel (v4+)

ChartSeriesType (v4+) Chart Series Type ("0" = Series Field / "1" = Multiple Column Fields) Integer
ChartHtml5 (v5+) Use Html 5 Chart Boolean
ChartWidth Chart Width (in pixel) Integer
ChartHeight Chart Height (in pixel) Integer
ChartBgColor Background Color String
ChartCaption Chart Caption String
ChartChartBgColor Chart Background Color String
ChartChartBorderColor Chart Border Color String
ChartNumGridLines Chart Number of Gridlines Integer
ChartGridColor Chart Gridline Color String
ChartXAxisName Chart X Axis Name String
ChartXAxisNameRotated Chart X Axis Name is Rotated Boolean
ChartYAxisName Chart Y Axis Name String
ChartPYAxisName (v4+) Chart Primary Y Axis Name (Combination chart only) String
ChartSYAxisName (v4+) Chart Secondary Y Axis Name (Combination chart only) String
ChartYAxisNameRotated Chart Y Axis Name is Rotated Boolean
ChartYAxisMinValue Chart Y Axis Minimum Value Long
ChartYAxisMaxValue Chart Y Axis Maximum Value Long
ChartShowNames Chart Show Names (X Axis Values) Boolean
ChartShowValues Chart Show Values (Y Axis Values) Boolean
ChartShowHover Chart Show Hover (X,Y Values on Chart) Boolean
ChartAlpha Chart Alpha (Transparency 0-100) Integer
ChartColorPalette Chart Color Palette (comma separted color codes) String
ChartSortType Chart Sort Type:
0 - No Sort
1 - X ASC
2 - X DESC
3 - Y ASC
4 - Y DESC
ChartPosition Chart Position:
1 - Top
2 - Left
3 - Right
4 - Bottom


FIELD Object

The FIELD Object points to the current field. You can access the current field properties by FIELD.PropertyName.

Property Description Data Type
FldName Field Name String
FldType Field Data Type Integer
FldSupport Field Supported by PHP Report Maker Boolean
FldSize Field Size Integer
FldUniqueIdx Field has unique index Boolean
FldReq Field Required Boolean
FldAutoIncrement Field is Auto Increment Boolean
FldAttribute Field ADO Attributes Long
FldMin (v4+) Minimum value for validation Variant
FldMax (v4+) Maximum value for validation Variant
FldErrMsg (v4+) Error message if validation failed String
FldValidate (v4+) Validate format String
FldServerValidateArgs (v4+) Validate arguments (server side) String
FldClientValidateArgs (v4+) Validate arguments (client side) String
FldGenerate Field Allow Generate Boolean
FldList Field Allow List Boolean
FldSearch Field Allow Search (Popup Filter) Boolean
FldExtendedBasicSearch Field Extended Search (Extended Filter) Boolean
FldFilterDropDown Field is DropDown (Extended Filter) Boolean
FldDateSearch Field Date Search Type
- Year
- Quarter
- Month
- Day
FldDateSearchDefaultYear Field Date Search default year value String
FldDateSearchDefaultQuarter Field Date Search default quarter value String
FldDateSearchDefaultMonth Field Date Search default month value String
FldDateSearchDefaultDay Field Date Search default day value String
FldSrchOpr Field search operator String
FldSrchOpr2 Field second search operator String
FldDefault Field default value for search operator Variant
FldDefault2 (v4+) Field default value for second search operator Variant
FldDefaultSearch (v5+) Field default value for poup search Variant
FldCaption Field Caption String
FldVar Field Variable String
FldViewTag Field View Tag String
FldViewThumbnail (v4+) Field view as thumbnail Boolean
FldHtmlTag (v3+) Field Html Tag (used for non-TEXT extended filter)
- "TEXT" (Text Box)
- "SELECT" (DropDown)
Note: If FldSelectMultiple is enabled, used as (List Box)
- "RADIO" (Radio Box)
- "CHECKBOX" (Checkbox)
FldTagAType Href Type String
FldTagATarget Href Target Type (A) String
FldTagAPrefix Href Prefix (A) String
FldTagASuffix Href Suffix (A) String
FldBold Field Bold Boolean
FldItalic Field Italic Boolean
FldAlign Field Alignment String
FldFmtType Field Format Type:
"Currency" - format as currency
"Date/Time" - format as Date/Time
"Number" - format as number
"Percent" - format as percent
"String" - format as string
FldDtFormat Field Date Format:
See Project/DefaultDateFormat for details
FldNumDigits Field number of digits after decimal Integer
FldIncLeadDigit Field include leading digit Integer
FldUseParen Field use parenthesis for negative Integer
FldGpDigits Field group digits Integer
FldHrefFld Field Hyperlink to field String
FldStrFunc Field String Function String
FldQuoteS Field Start Quote Character String
FldQuoteE Field End Quote Character String
FldColumnWidth Field Column Width String
FldColumnWrap Field Column Wrap Boolean
FldRepeatColumns (v4+) Repeat column count for radios and checkboxes Integer
FldUploadPath (v4+) Field level upload file path String
FldGroupByType Field Group By Type:
"n" - Normal
"y" - Year (Date Fields)
"q" - Quarter (Date Fields)
"m" - Month (Date Fields)
"w" - Week (Date Fields)
"d" - Day (Date Fields)
"h" - Hour (Date Fields)
"min" - Minute (Date Fields)
"i" - Interval (Numeric Fields)
"f" - First Few Characters (String Fields)
FldGroupByInterval Field Group By Interval (valid for Group By Type "i" & "f" only) Long
FldRowID Field Row Index (Crosstab Report Only) Integer
FldColumnID Field Column Index (Crosstab Report Only) Integer
FldColumnDateType Field Column Date Type: (Column Field is Date Only)
"y" - Year
"q" - Quarter
"m" - Month
"d" - Date
FldColumnDateSelect Field Column Date with Selectable Year Boolean
FldSummaryID Field Summary Index (Crosstab Report Only) Integer
FldSummaryType Field Summary Type:
"AVG" - Average
"COUNT" - Count
"MAX" - Maximum
"MIN" - Minimum
"SUM" - Sum
FldFilterName Field Filter Name (Relative Filter Names, comma separated) String
FldUseRange Field Use Range (Use Range Selection in Popup Filter) Boolean
FldGroupBy Field Grouping Sequence Integer
FldGroupByShowSummary Field Grouping Show Summary (Report Only) Boolean
FldOrderBy Field Ordering Sequence Integer
FldOrder Field Order Type (ASC/DESC) String
FldRptAggSum Aggregate Sum of Field Boolean
FldRptAggAvg Aggregate Average of Field Boolean
FldRptAggMin Aggregate Minimum of Field Boolean
FldRptAggMax Aggregate Maximum of Field Boolean
FldMemoMaxLength Memo field max. length in list page Integer
FldResizeQuality (v4+) Resize file quality Integer



Method Description Data Type
Phrase (deprecated in v4+) Method to retrieve a phrase in the language file String
LANGUAGE.GetFileId(id) (v4+) Method to get language file id based on language id. For example, With the language id "english" and the language file header as follow:
<ew-language date="2009/9/22" version="8.0.0" id="en" name="English" desc="English" author="e.World Technology Ltd.">
The method will return "en".


Note that from v4+ onwards, language phrases are returned from the run time PHP codes "<?php echo $ReportLanguage->Phrase("<phrase>") ?>". Please refer to the description on "Language Block" in section "Template Tags" for more details.



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