Control File

The core of the template file is a control file named "control.xml". It is an XML file and it contains all the necessary information for the generation process. It is structured in 3 levels, namely the product, control and session level:


<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>



1. <product>

The top level is the product level identified by the <product> tag. (The tag name "product" will be replaced by unique product name identifier in respective products.) It gives a brief description of the template and serves for product and version information purpose. The product will check changes in this tag every time you generate scripts with a template.




Attributes Description
date Template created date (yyyy/mm/dd)
version Template version number
desc Brief description of the template
language Language of the template
author Author of the template


2. <control>

The next level is the control level identified by the <control> tag. Each <control> specify an output file or a set of output files that will be generated by the code generator.




Attributes Description
ofile Output file name
ofilecompat Output file name when compatibility is enabled
oext Output file extension

Control type:

"table" - table-related files:
For example, the scripts that will perform "list", "summary", "crosstab" functions for the table. The output of this type is a set of file, one for each table.

"other" - include files:
These files are usually include files that may be included by other files. For example, the header file and footer file.

"copy" - files that will be directly copied:
These files that will be copied directly from the templates, such as image files. The target to be copied can be a file or a folder.


Control ID. This attribute identifies which page is being generated.

id="list" - list page for table
id="summary" - Detail and Summary Report
id="crosstab" - Crosstab Report
id="rptlogout" - logout page
all ids are treated as files to be copied

ifiles List of input files to be processed (comma delimited)
ofolder Output file folder (used for type="copy" only)
space Remove empty lines (True / False)
cond Condition for generation. See Conditions section for details.

For use with extensions only.

"add" - add file or folder to the the main template, or
"change" - change file in the main template



3. <session>

The third level is the session level (identified by the <session> tag). For each <control>, there can be multiple sessions that will constitute the output. Each session can be a specific segment from the input files or an include statement.




Attributes Description
type Session type:
"key" - output the code segment identified by the key from the list of input files
"include" - create an include statement
value Session value:
key value of code segment (identified by session tags in input files)
include file name

input file to be processed



Condition checking is used extensively in templates to control the code generation process. Codes will only be generated if the condition specified is met.

The syntax of condition checking is as follow:


Condition format:


Object Type and Object Property:
See Template Object Properties for details

EQ = equal
NE = not equal
GT = greater than
GE = greater than or equal to
LT = less than
LE = less than or equal to
IN = contain value
NI = not contain value

value for comparison
(Note that single/double quotes are NOT required for string type values.)



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