This demonstration uses the graphical extension (available for registered user only) which requires browsers with JavaScript enabled for the menu.
The ASP.NET scripts are generated by ASP.NET Maker without hand-coding.
More detailed description of this demo project is provided in the tutorials of the help file.
This demo project shows you how the generated pages generally look like and illustrates some of the advanced features:
Advanced Security
You can view some pages without login as an anonymous user.
You can then login using the following accounts to see the feature works.
The menu items changes with permissions.
Username: admin
Password: master
This is the administrator account which have full permissions, including user management.
Employee #1
Username: nancy
Password: 1234
This account has limited permissions. You can only view records in tables.
Employee #2
Username: andrew
Password: 1234
This account has full permissions except user management. you can only modify your own record in the "Employees" table.
You can login using the administrator account first, then logout and re-login using other accounts to see the Advanced Security works.
Search Result Highlight
Click "Cars" and search Category in the search panel. Click "Hide/Show highlight" to hide/show the highlight effect.
Grid-Add/Edit, Inline-Add/Copy/Edit, Multi-Delete/Update
Click "Suppliers".
Click "Orders" and then the icons under "Order Details" links.
Data Confirmation and CAPTCHA on Add/Edit
Click "Suppliers". Try add or edit a record.
Detail Record Preview (Overlay)
Click "Orders" or "Customers". Move mouse cursor over the detail table link. (Extension for registered users only.)
Detail Record Preview (PreviewRow)
Click "Orders 2". Click the [+] button before the detail table link. (Extension for registered users only.)
Scrolling Table with Fixed Header
Click "Orders 3". The page has a larger page size and the records are scrollable. (Extension for registered users only.)
Auto Suggest Textbox
Click "Customers" and enter a few characters in the "Customer ID" textbox in the search panel.
Auto Fill Textbox
Click "Order" and then "Order Details...", try to add a new record, select a product and the price will be auto-filled.
Add Extra Option to Lookup Table
Click "Cars" and then add or edit a record, click "Add Trademark" and then "Add Model" to add a parent/child option to the comboboxes.
Extended Quick Search
Click "Cars" or "Categories" or "Customers" or "Employees" or "Products".
Tooltip Field
Click "Cars" and move mouse cursor over the hyperlinks of the model names.
Multi-Page Update
Click "Cars" and then add or edit a record.
Multiple Master/Detail
Multiple Master: Click "Customers" or "Employees", both have detail table "Orders". Multiple Detail: Click "Orders", it has 2 detail tables: "Order Details" and "Sales by Customer", the latter is a report.
File Uploading
Click "Cars" for uploading to database and "Employees" for uploading to folder
Dynamic Selection List
Click "Cars" in the left menu and then add or edit a record. In the add or edit page, change the "Trademark" combobox and see how the "Model" combobox changes.
Dynamic User Levels
Login as administrator and click "User Levels".
Parent User ID
Login as employee #2 (andrew) and click "Orders", this user can modify his subordinate's records.
Custom View
Click "Orders" and then click the "Order Details Extended" detail table link. This page is generated from a SELECT statement, not from table/view in the database.
Click "Sales By Customer" in the left menu. The report is based on the Custom View.
Server Events
Click "Cars". The table uses server event to do conditional formatting.
Note: Updating is disabled on the demo site, if you try to add/edit, error message will tell you that the database is read-only. You can however download the demo project and test on your machine.
Enter the Demo Site
Above is just part of what ASP.NET Maker can do. ASP.NET Maker provides a variety of other features for you to generate custom codes that suit your needs. Download ASP.NET Maker now and explore its power and flexibility!
Download the Demo Project (939KB) (Read the readme.txt for setup)