Crosstab Report Setup First, if you use Microsoft Access, do not confuse Crosstab Report in ASP Report Maker with crosstab query in Access. ASP Report Maker does not load crosstab queries in Access database. They have nothing to do with each other and they work differently.
The generated report page is a pure ASP script, no server-side components is required. A Crosstab Report is created from one existing Table, View or Custom View. If you need to display data from more than one table or view, join them first using a view your database (preferably) or using a Custom View in ASP Report Maker. After loading the database, the database objects (tables, views, custom views and reports) will be shown in the left pane (the database pane). To create a report, right click the database pane and select [Add Report (Crosstab)]. Alternatively, you can click [Edit] in the main menu and then select [Add Report (Crosstab)]. The Crosstab Report Setup window will show up:
The Crosstab Report Setup window has 4 tabs. Go through these tabs one by one to setup your report.
General ASP Report Maker will give the new Report a temporary name, Report<n>, where n is an integer. If you want to change the name, enter a new name in the [Report name] edit box. Then you can select a table, or a view, or a Custom View form the [Table or View] combobox. This settings in this tab are mandatory.
Row Headings
Select the field that you want display the field values as row headings. You can optionally select up to 6 fields. Select fields in the order you want information displayed in the row headings. For example, you could sort and group values by Country and then State. You can sort the values of the row heading fields in either ascending or descending order. After selecting the fields, press the buttons next to the comboboxes to change the sort order. Check Show summary if you want to show sumary for each group. Check Show empty rows if you do not want to skip rows with empty data.
Column Headings Select the field that you want display the field values as column headings. For example, you would select Employee Name to see each employee's name as a column heading. You can sort the values of the column heading field in either ascending or descending order. After selecting the fields, press the buttons next to the comboboxes to change the sort order. If the field is of date/time type, the [Grouping Interval] property sets the interval for the field values, possible value are:
If the field is of date/time type, and the [Grouping Interval] is Quarter or Month, the [Year filter] setting become available. If unchecked, quarters or months of different year in the report will be displayed together. If checked, a combobox for the available years will be added automatically to the report so user can select which year's data to display.
Value Select the [Field] and the [Summary value] that you want to calculate for each column and row intersection. For example, you could calculate the sum of the field Order Amount for each employee (column) by country and state (row). Possible values of summary value are:
If you want to include sums for each row, select [Includes row sums] for the report. Finally, you can choose to [Show page summary] and/or [Show grand summary] for all records at the end of the report. If [Show page summary] is enabled, the summary for the records in the current page will be displayed at the end of the page. If [Show grand summary] is enabled, the summary for all the records in the report will be displayed at the end of the page. These options are enabled by default. Press [OK] to finish setup. When a report is created, the field settings will be copied from the source table. But from then on, the Report has its own field settings and is much like other table in ASP Report Maker. To edit a Report, right click the Report in the database pane and select [Edit Report]. Alternatively, you can select the Report first, then click [Edit] in the main menu and then select [Edit Report]. Note that the source table of a report cannot be changed.
Important Notes on Report
Also See: Custom View Setup
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