Q. | Could not load DLL library during installation |
A. |
1. Login as Administrator to install. 2. Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only. See this article for details.
Q. | Operation must use an updateable query |
A. |
If you try to write to an Access database, the anonymous Web server user (IUSR_<MachineName> or IUSR) user must have write permission to the folder that contains the .mdb file.
Q. | What is the system requirements to run PayPal Shop Maker? |
A. |
Please read the system requirements section in the download page.
Q. | ActiveX can't create the object |
A. |
This is an ActiveX error. Check the System Requirements section and download the recommended files.
Q. | Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. |
A. |
If you try to write to an Access database, the anonymous Web server user (IUSR_<MachineName> or IUSR) user must have write permission to the folder that contains the .mdb file.
Q. | Class does not support automation or does not support expected interface |
A. |
This is an ActiveX error. Check the System Requirements section and download the recommended files.
Q. | Does PayPal Shop Maker support Website Payments Pro? |
A. |
No. Current version of PayPal Shop Maker supports Website Payments Standard only.
Q. | Does PayPal Shop Maker support Subscriptions and Recurring Payments? |
A. |
Yes, PayPal Shop Maker 4 support PayPal Subscription and Recurring Payments.
Q. | Can I change product price with options? |
A. |
Yes, PayPal Shop Maker allows you to enter choices with price differences for up to 7 options. The options are displayed as different HTML fform elements such as comboboxes, the price will be changed when a choice is selected.
Q. | I use Windows Vista, I cannot register with the provided license key. |
A. |
To register the program in Windows Vista/2008/7, you need administrative privileges and you may need to start the program by right clicking the program file (.exe file) in the installed folder or its shortcut on the desktop and choose [Run as administrator]. For more info on User Account Control (UAC), read: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/922708
Q. | HTTP 500 - Internal server error |
A. |
The HTTP 500 error is a generic error message that Internet Explorer passes out to you when your web site errors for one reason or another. To enable Internet Explorer to show the error, select Internet Options from the Tools menu at the top of Internet Explorer, select the Advanced tab, uncheck "Show friendly HTTP error messages" checkbox. Then run your script again to see a more useful error message.
Q. | I can only see a blank page when running the PHP scripts. |
A. |
If you see a complete blank page, you may have PHP errors. Configure your php.ini to display all errors, see error_reporting and display_errors in http://www.php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.configuration.php
Q. | What is your upgrade policy? |
A. |
Please read our upgrade policy here.