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  • Generates PayPal shop for your web site

  • Generates PHP scripts and database, or HTML and JavaScript

  • Generate product catalog pages with various List and View page options

  • Supports product searching with AutoSuggest

  • Built-in JavaScript Shopping Cart

  • Supports PayPal Buy Now Button or Subscribe button

  • Unlimited number of websites

  • Unlimited menu and submenu items

  • Unlimited number of product categories and subcategories

  • One product in many categories

  • Unlimited number of products with up to 6 images for each product*

  • Creates thumbnail images for List page and View page for products automatically*

  • Optional alphabetical and numerical page index

  • Customizable template

  • Synchronization of product information with database on server

*Note: Evaluation version only support the first 20 products.


Up to 7 options for each product

  • Product prices changeable with option fields
  • Different display format of each options (Combobox, Selection List, Checkbox, Radio Button or Text)
  • Optional compulsory option fields
  • Option Editor enables you to easily edit PayPal options fields


HTML editor for product description


Multi-level Categories
Supports unlimited categories and sub categories. Allows one product in many categories. With Category Editor for managing the levels and display order of the categories easily.

Various optional HTML settings

  • Easy to change site logo and footer text without customizing template
  • CSS style sheet integration

Custom Currency Settings

Use your preferred currency symbol, decimal symbol, grouping symbol and number of digits after decimal.

Multi-Update Form

With multi-update form you can update multiple products simultaneously, no more one-by-one editing.

You can easily filter out the product for multi-update using the Microsoft Excel style filter:


Custom Shipping Charge Calculation

Supports custom shipping charge calculation by quantity range, weight range or price range. The changes can also vary by region, country, state and shipping method. Different products (from the same or different categories) can be counted together.


Custom Tax Calculation

Supports custom tax calculation by region, country and state. The calculation can include or exclude shipping cost and handling charges.

Supports quantity-based discount calculation. Different products (from the same or different categories) can be counted together.

Supports Discount Code (Coupon) with fixed amount or percentage.

Instant Payment Notification (IPN)

Instant Payment Notification (IPN) allows you to integrate PayPal payments with your website's back-end operations. IPN provides immediate notification and confirmation of PayPal payments you receive.

Payment Data Transfer (PDT)

Payment Data Transfer (PDT) provides you with the ability to display transaction details to buyers who are redirected back to your site upon payment completion.

Digital Product Download

Deliver your digital product automatically by download or email.


Multi-level Menu

  • Unlimited menu and submenu items
  • HTML editor for page content of menu item
  • Linkable to external URLs


Viewing Transactions
Supports downloading transaction data from database on server


Selective Generation
Speed up re-generation by just generating the files you want.


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